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Diving In Mombasa

Scuba Mombasa KenyaWith the world’s second largest barrier reef and all sorts of sea life to be found off the Kenyan coast, diving in Mombasa is a must for enthusiasts. The Mombasa North Coast dive area is a paradise for beginners as well as for experienced divers. The floras and faunas of the Indian Ocean reveal the opportunity to see Sea Turtles, Morays, Giant Wrasse, Groupers, and Whitetip Reef Sharks. With a bit of luck you’ll also be able to see mantas and whale sharks.

From October to March Kenya has to be one of the very best places on earth to see Whale Sharks. These gentle giants are amazing to behold. Being the largest fish in the ocean they are actually easy to spot from a plane, so many diving companies will send up a spotter to decide where best to dive to see them.

If you’re looking for the Reef Sharks you’ll have the most luck at sites such as Shark Point 1 and Taa. They are less often seen at other sites except for some of the deeper ones. The sharks are around all year so you can plan your trip around the Whale Sharks and not have to worry that you’ll miss anything.

Severe penalties exist in Kenya for anyone found hunting or killing sea turtles or trading in sea turtle products. As a result turtles can be seen all year round at many dive sites in the area. Swimming with a sea turtle is an experience that can hardly be described in words; it is something every diver should make the time to do.

The reef in the marine park area is protected so the coral here is in good condition with very little in the way of damage. Outside of the marine park occasional damage is noticed but this is rare. Mombasa is very lucky to have many varieties of ray including the favorites: Manta Rays and Eagle Rays. Watching them sweep along the ocean floor or just above the coral is an amazing site.

You’ll also have the opportunity to see: a variety of Eels including Moray and Snake, Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimp, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Squid, Grouper, Barracuda, and possibly even Billfish. That’s not to mention all the small coral reef fish – too numerous to name and absolutely beautiful to see.

Mombasa is a divers paradise. It is beautiful and exotic while still remaining accessible. When booking your diving adventure trip, call around to the different diving companies to figure out what area is best for you from there you can book your perfect hotel.