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3 Things to Know about Scuba Diving in Mombasa

Scuba Mombasa KenyaIf you’ve been SCUBA diving for many years or even most of your life, you probably already know some of the basics. If you’re heading to Mombasa, Kenya for vacation, you’re likely anticipating spending at least a few days on dives in and around these crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean.

If you’re relatively new to SCUBA diving or have never done it before but you’ve heard how amazing it is to experience the underwater adventures in Mombasa, there are three things that are absolutely essential to know about this favorite pastime of so many visitors to this region.

1. You need certification.

If you have any interest whatsoever in SCUBA diving you will need to get certified before you can rent any type of equipment. Since airlines do not allow compressed air tanks to be brought on board, you would at least need to rent a tank even if you had all of the other equipment yourself.

You won’t be able to do that without proper certification.

2. Always dive with a partner.

No one should ever dive by himself or herself. It doesn’t matter whether you are in murky water or something akin to what you’ll find in Mombasa with such clear water you can see 20, 30, and even 40 feet deep in some spots.

If you’re traveling alone, most scuba dive shops throughout Mombasa will be able to pair you up with others interested in diving the same area you will be.

3. Unless you are particular about your equipment, just bring along the basics such as a mask and fins; the rest you can rent in Mombasa.

There is no need to lug all of that heavy equipment on your flight, from the airport, and back and forth from your hotel room. You can rent everything you need at one of the dive shops in Mombasa. That can make your special vacation here that much better.