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4 Tips for Traveling to Mombasa with Small Children

The Top 5 ‘Secrets’ Regular Travelers Know that Can Improve Your Mombasa VacationWhen you’re traveling to Mombasa, Kenya for vacation with small children, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. After all, you want to enjoy this trip, too.

As a family, this is a trip you’re going to be talking about for many years to come. You certainly want to take plenty of pictures, grab some video of the children playing, and have some time to yourself. However, when you have small children, from infants and toddlers to nine, 10, 11, and even 12-year-olds, you have to keep your eye on them a lot more than you would for older teenagers.

Here are four tips that parents can keep in mind when traveling to Mombasa, Kenya with small children.

Tip #1: Have plenty to keep them entertained on the trip.

Getting to Mombasa is usually done by plane. You want to make sure your kids are occupied on the trip. This doesn’t mean keep them focused on playing video games. You can have challenges, encourage them to read, play games with them yourself, and many other things.

However, if they are unruly on the flight, it’s going to negatively impact the entire trip.

Tip #2: Book the right Mombasa Hotel.

If you going to be spending a lot of time at the beach with your small children, you want to choose a hotel that is right along the beach. This will avoid the hassle of getting a cab or even driving back and forth between the beach and the hotel.

Tip #3: pack plenty of sunscreen.

Even though your kids may groan every time you apply sunscreen to them, Mombasa is right along the equator and that means it’s much easier to get sunburned.

Tip #4: Keep a consistent bedtime.

Even though you’re traveling to a different time zone, most likely, you want to encourage your children to get into bed at about the same time they would back home. Even though you’re on vacation and they may plead with you to let them stay up later, altering their sleeping patterns can mean less time for you and your spouse to enjoy together.