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4 Ways to Make Your Mombasa Trip an Adventure to Remember

with all the pictures you take back them upHeading to any tropical destination can be an adventure. Not only do you want to remember this for many years to come, you want to be inspired to return again in the future. There are many things you can do to help make a vacation like this one a trip to remember.

Here are four things you might want to consider that can help you capture these memories while also focusing on the right things.

1. Take pictures.

Pictures are the best way to help you capture those memories when you’re doing something new, for the first time. Make sure you take plenty of pictures of your time at the beach, in Old Town, at Fort Jesus, on the wildlife safaris, and even around the pool.

2. Don’t take too many pictures.

Yes, you want to take plenty of pictures, but you don’t want to miss out on all of the things going on around you because you are trying to view it all through a 2-inch screen. Take a couple of pictures when you first arrive at a new destination, then only capture a few more pictures with you and your family of special sites you want to hold onto. That will help you focus on living in the moment.

3. Talk about each day before you go to bed.

With your spouse, partner, family, or whoever else you traveled with, it’s a good idea to sit down and talk about all of the things you did and saw throughout the day. This is a great way to hold those memories firmly in place.

4. Review the pictures and mementos you’ve taken back home on occasion.

Every year is a good opportunity to open up your file of pictures and videos and look at them once again. The more you do, the more they will be ingrained in your memory for life. Odds are, though, when you go to Mombasa, you’re going to remember this trip for your entire life, anyway.