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5 Ways to Make Traveling to Mombasa Alone a Fantastic Trip

restingThere may be times in life when you have to travel alone. By “traveling alone,” we are referring to traveling by plane, long distances, whether it’s for personal pleasure or business. Traveling alone doesn’t have to be a lonely endeavor. There are plenty of things people can do to make that trip to their destination more enjoyable and setting the stage for a wonderful vacation, business trip, or other endeavor.

1. Bring along a good book. Reading helps to pass the time when you’re waiting to board a plane, between flights, and even on the plane itself. Today many people are relying on electronic devices, video games, and more to entertain themselves, but that just kills the time.

Why kill the time when you can do something more productive. In fact, bring along a book, even an e-book, that has something to do with your particular destination.

2. Carry-on a conversation. Many other travelers are traveling alone and wouldn’t mind striking up a conversation. Talk about places you’re coming from and where you’re going. You could just learn a thing or two about your destination.

3. Get time to rest. If you’re a light sleeper, you could benefit by bringing earplugs, headphones with some soft, instrumental music, a pillow, and maybe even a light blanket. Some airlines still provide pillows and blankets to their clients, but that’s not always the case.

Once you’re on the flight and it is smooth, that’s a good time to close your eyes and get some rest and be more adjusted for the time difference when you arrive.

4. Let people know where you’re going to be. When you’re traveling alone, it’s a good idea to make sure somebody knows where you’re going to be, the hotel, phone numbers, and even flight information. If something happens, at least you’ll know people are looking for you.

5. Always check in with the hotel if your flight is delayed. If you’re traveling to Mombasa, Kenya, you want to keep your hotel updated on your flight information when it is delayed. That way you don’t lose your room to somebody else.

These five tips should help make your next trip alone a fantastic one.