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5 Ways to Make Traveling to Mombasa with Family the Best Vacation Ever

5 Ways to Make Traveling to Mombasa with Family the Best Vacation EverYou’ve been planning on this Mombasa vacation for some time. You booked your hotel, sat down to went over all of the different options available to you once you’re in Mombasa, and have chosen some priorities. Maybe you’re going to spend a couple of days on any of the numerous white sandy beaches that are caressed continuously by the gorgeous blue waters of the Indian Ocean. Perhaps you’re going to visit Fort Jesus. Maybe Old Town Mombasa is on your radar.

No matter what exciting things await you at your destination, getting there can sometimes be frustrating. How you travel to a particular destination could have a direct impact on how enjoyable your vacation is. Below are five ways that you can make this trip to Mombasa a great set up for an amazing vacation with your family.

1. Double check everything. Make sure you double check all of your suitcases to ensure you have everything you need, including sunscreen, any prescription medications, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and more. You also want to make sure you have your passport and other papers with you at all times.

2. Have games to play at the airport. When you get to the airport, playing games with your family is one great way to pass the time while you’re waiting to board the plane. Video games on your phone, tablet, or other electronic device may seem fun, but nothing beats a good card game or board game.

3. Plan extra time. Make sure you get to the airport at least one hour, or more, before your flight is scheduled to leave. This will help you get through security, check-in, and to the gate without having to rush around.

4. Explain the importance of behavior to young children. Traveling with young children can certainly be a challenge, so explain why it’s vital they remain on their best behavior at all times during this trip.

5. Call ahead to the hotel in Mombasa if your flights are delayed. In the event of a delay in your flight, make sure you stay in contact with the Mombasa hotel you booked. This will avoid any problems and losing your room in the event you’re not there by check in time.