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Checking in at Your Mombasa Hotel: Three Tips to Make it All Go Smoothly

Amani Tiwi ReceptionChecking into a hotel, whether you are traveling to Mombasa or anywhere else, shouldn’t be all that complicated. However, there are certain things that can go wrong or make it a bit more hectic or frustrating, depending on situation.

Almost any Mombasa Hotel is going to be high quality for most travelers. Especially those closer to the Indian Ocean and the white sandy beaches. In order to make things much more smoothly and help you get on with enjoying your vacation as soon as you get here, below are three tips to keep in mind when getting ready for your trip and once you arrive.

1. Call ahead to confirm your reservation. Even if you made a reservation to a travel agency or did this on your own online, it’s a good idea to call a few days before your arrival to make sure the reservation is still in the books. The last thing anyone wants to deal with when they arrive at their vacation destination is to discover their reservation never went through. Taking a moment to call ahead can make a world of difference once you get there.

2. Have identification ready. Some hotels will require different types of identification. A passport should usually be more than sufficient to prove who you are when you check in. You may also be required to show the credit card you booked the room with at the time of check-in. Having these documents handy and your credit card ready can help speed up the process.

3. Call ahead if you are running late. If your flight is delayed or you’re getting into the country behind schedule for any reason, make sure you contact the hotel so they don’t give away your room if you don’t arrive at a specific time.

Following these three tips can help your check in be much smoother and get you enjoying your vacation right away.