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Choosing Seats on Your Flight to Mombasa Can Set the Stage for a Great Trip

Choosing Seats on Your Flight to Mombasa Can Set the Stage for a Great TripWhen you’re heading to Mombasa for a business trip or a vacation, you’re most likely going to be flying to get there. If you don’t fly a lot, you might not realize just how important it is to choose the right seats on the plane for you.

Everyone has a different idea about which seats are the best. You can certainly upgrade to business class, which will usually give you more legroom, but if you don’t want to make that investment, what seats are going to be best and help set the stage for a great trip?

It all depends on how long the flight will be.

If you are flying from Europe, you will only be on the plane for a few hours, at most. If you’re flying from North America or South America, you will be on a plane, and likely several flights, for at least 10 or even 15 hours.

Think about your comfort in this situation. If you need to get up and stretch your legs on a consistent basis, you’ll want to sit in and aisle seat so that you’re not constantly bothering the person who would be sitting in that seat as you try to get to the aisle and go to the bathroom or just stretch out.

If your flight isn’t going to be all that long and you don’t need to use the bathroom too frequently, you might enjoy sitting by the window. Not only can you get to watch the world as it cruises underneath the plane, you can see Mombasa as you fly into the airport here.

Your vacation starts the moment you’re done with work and heading to the airport. Don’t assume you have to get off the plane first in order to grab your luggage and get to your hotel. Your hotel is reserved in Mombasa, so relax. If you sit towards the back of the plane, once you land and the plane taxis to the terminal, you can stand up a little bit, stretch, and relax, but try not to be pushy to get out. Check your phone, your tablet, or continue reading that good book you are enjoying. It won’t be long before you’re off the plane, heading to the taxi service or your baggage claim area and getting started on your exciting trip.