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Must See Mombasa Attractions

Mombasa Tusks

Mombasa Tusks

Fort Jesus is considered by many to be the most evocative of Mombasa’s monuments. The Portuguese built the fort in the 1590s for defense. You can now take a walking tour and visit the museum housed within. The history of the fort is vast and violent – during a three year siege, 2,500 men barricaded themselves inside.

The narrow lanes of nearby Mombasa Old Town take you back to the era of gilded architectural, with intricate latticed balconies, exquisitely carved doors, and a multitude of old mosques dating back as far as 1570. By traveling a bit further north, visitors can see the pillar erected by the Sultan of Malindi at the spot where Vasco Da Gama came ashore in 1498.

Slightly south of Malindi, tourists can visit the Gedi Ruins. This small Swahili town was suddenly abandoned during the 16h Century and no one really knows why. Speculation includes a possible lack of water or a hostile invasion but we will never know for sure. Gedi was a prosperous settlement that included a sultan’s palace, several mosques, and a series of grand houses. Touring the ruins is a great way to spend half a day while visiting the area.

If you’re more interested in nature than history or culture, the Bamburi Nature Trail offers a host of natural wonders. It has recently been renamed Haller Park, either name will be used depending on whom you speak with about it. Located just north of Mombasa, this gorgeous piece of reclaimed land houses a deep forest teeming with wildlife.

The former cement quarry now provides a home for a large variety of birds, reptiles, insects, and mammals. It offers walking and cycling trails so you can take in the majesty of its complex ecosystem while enjoying the outdoors. Haller Park produces 40 tons of fish each year, exports crocodile skins, raises butterflies, and harvests impressive quantities of timber, fruit, and organic vegetables.

Closer to Watamu you will find Arabuko Sokoke Forest. This forest is what is left of what was once a vast rainforest. It is now 40 square kilometers of protected land that provides a habitat to six threatened bird species. It is also home to a butterfly-breeding project that is designed to restore interest in the forest. This project has been successful not only in raising awareness for the birds but other wildlife as well. The Watamu Turtle Watch also operate from this area. This initiative pays local fishermen for rescuing sea turtles caught in their nets.

These are just a few of the many amazing things to do in and around Mombasa. Visit Find Mombasa Hotels for more activities and places to visit. Call us if you have any questions or prefer to book your trip over the phone.