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Relying on the Right Camera for Your Mombasa Trip

with all the pictures you take back them upGoing anywhere on vacation usually means taking a lot of pictures. When you’re traveling overseas, you not only want to have a great camera, but you also don’t want to be bogged down with a lot of extra equipment and weight.

That makes finding the optimal camera for your Mombasa vacation very important. Here are a few things to think about when deciding which camera to bring along or to purchase for this particular trip.

Waterproof cameras.

There’s a lot to be said about all of the wonderful water activities a person can take part in when visiting Mombasa. You can go snorkeling and scuba diving, and if those are things that interest you you’d want to consider a waterproof, underwater camera. There are also numerous disposable cameras that you can pick up with waterproof cases, but you won’t know whether you got a good picture or not until the film is developed.


You could be doing a lot of walking around, at Fort Jesus, Old Town Mombasa, at either of the incredible safaris, along the beaches, and many other places throughout this area and if you don’t want a bulky, large camera with lot of different lenses, think about something compact.

There are many incredible compact cameras that you can pick up for just a few hundred dollars that will give you image clarity that almost matches what some of these other professional cameras can offer.

Avoid drawing attention to yourself.

Everywhere you go there are going to be people who want to take advantage of visitors or tourists. When visiting a tropical destination like Mombasa, make sure you don’t bring along some incredibly expensive camera equipment because the moment you turn your back and look at something else, that bag could disappear if somebody spotted you with it, but decided they wanted to take it, and followed you.

These tips should help you find the right camera for your Mombasa vacation.