Published on 29 December 2015

out in coldMost Canadians have a tendency to take their vacations during the summer. That’s because there are more opportunities to visit certain places in the world. Aside from South America, Australia, and maybe India and Indonesia, most vacation destinations happen to be in the northern hemisphere, at least for Canadians. If you have never thought about Mombasa, Kenya as a vacation destination, it’s time you did.

This is a tropical destination that’s considered a paradise for many. It is also a highly affordable vacation as Mombasa hotels are reasonably priced, as are other amenities, including food, souvenirs, and more.

Winter can be tough, especially in Ontario. The cold weather begins to strike in October and won’t relent until April or even May in some years. The longer that winter drags on, the more difficult it is to stay positive, stay focused, and be happy.

Why not treat yourself and maybe even your family to a special treat this winter and instead of sitting at home waiting for the cold weather to end, head on out to Mombasa for a week or a two-week vacation.

Winter is a great time to book your hotel and Mombasa because rates drop during the off-peak seasons. Yes, it may rain a bit more during certain months of the winter, but you’re still going to get some incredibly warm temperatures, great swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving weather, and the opportunity to see many of the incredible historical sites that make Mombasa such an attractive vacation destination.

So while you were originally thinking of staying home this winter, why not consider a vacation to a tropical destination? You have plenty of options from which to choose, but many of them in the Caribbean and other places along the equator have a tendency to be more expensive. Not in Mombasa, Kenya.

Published on 18 December 2015

3 Reasons You Should Choose a Travel Agent for Your Mombasa TripWhen you’re heading to Mombasa, Kenya for a vacation or even a business trip, you may be traveling with a lot of electronics. Today, it seems people can’t even leave their home without a cell phone attached to their ear or with their face buried in it.

When you’re heading to a tropical destination for a business seminar or conference, you’re being treated well by your company. This is a great opportunity to not only improve in your professional career but also to enjoy some quality time relaxing near the beach, by the Mombasa Hotel pool, or even taking a trip into Old Town.

Whether you’re heading here for a business seminar or a personal vacation, here are three reasons why it’s a good idea to disconnect once you arrive at this tropical destination.

Reason #1: Your mind needs it.

You may not realize how much you are overloading your brain by constantly having your phone on, checking your email, listening to music, watching television programs, and more. Even though you may feel like you’re relaxing with some of these things, your brain isn’t getting a chance to rest.

Reason #2: It can help take the stress out of your life.

When you disconnect from your technological devices while in Mombasa, you will be able to enjoy the white sandy beaches, incredibly clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean, the amazing history here, and maybe even one of the incredible safaris.

When you do, you will feel the stress beginning to evaporate away from you (along with a lot of moisture from your body).

Reason #3: It can reestablish your core being.

Many people forget what is most important in life when they are constantly relying on electronic devices. When you’re heading to Mombasa for vacation, make sure you leave those electronic devices off for as long as possible. You may think the phone is really important, but once you leave it behind for a while you begin to realize it’s simply not.

Published on 04 December 2015

The Top 5 ‘Secrets’ Regular Travelers Know that Can Improve Your Mombasa VacationWhen you’re traveling to Mombasa, Kenya for vacation with small children, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. After all, you want to enjoy this trip, too.

As a family, this is a trip you’re going to be talking about for many years to come. You certainly want to take plenty of pictures, grab some video of the children playing, and have some time to yourself. However, when you have small children, from infants and toddlers to nine, 10, 11, and even 12-year-olds, you have to keep your eye on them a lot more than you would for older teenagers.

Here are four tips that parents can keep in mind when traveling to Mombasa, Kenya with small children.

Tip #1: Have plenty to keep them entertained on the trip.

Getting to Mombasa is usually done by plane. You want to make sure your kids are occupied on the trip. This doesn’t mean keep them focused on playing video games. You can have challenges, encourage them to read, play games with them yourself, and many other things.

However, if they are unruly on the flight, it’s going to negatively impact the entire trip.

Tip #2: Book the right Mombasa Hotel.

If you going to be spending a lot of time at the beach with your small children, you want to choose a hotel that is right along the beach. This will avoid the hassle of getting a cab or even driving back and forth between the beach and the hotel.

Tip #3: pack plenty of sunscreen.

Even though your kids may groan every time you apply sunscreen to them, Mombasa is right along the equator and that means it’s much easier to get sunburned.

Tip #4: Keep a consistent bedtime.

Even though you’re traveling to a different time zone, most likely, you want to encourage your children to get into bed at about the same time they would back home. Even though you’re on vacation and they may plead with you to let them stay up later, altering their sleeping patterns can mean less time for you and your spouse to enjoy together.

Published on 02 December 2015

Traveling with Little Ones: How to Make it Memorable (in a Good Way)Traveling with teenagers can be a challenge, to say the least. If you’re planning a vacation in Mombasa, Kenya and you will be traveling with your teenage son, daughter, or many teenagers, you may feel as though you’ll need a vacation from this vacation.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can have just as much fun as they do, and even more, when you follow some simple strategies.

Strategy #1: Avoid the temptation of letting them stick their noses in their phone the whole time.

Teenagers today have a tendency to get caught up in texting and social media to the point where they miss life altogether. It may be tempting for you to just let them do what they normally do when you’re on vacation, but this can be a trip of a lifetime. With the incredible clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean, miles upon miles of white, sandy beaches, incredible history of Old Town and Fort Jesus, and two amazing safaris, when you get them paying attention you’ll have plenty to talk about in the evening when you’re all lounging around the pool at your hotel.

Strategy #2: Let them have time to themselves.

You may get nervous about letting your teenage son or daughter go off on their own, but as long as they stay within a certain area, Mombasa is a great and safe place to visit. Most Mombasa hotels that are right along the beach have everything you’ll need, including some amazing pools and easy access to the beaches.

Just make sure you go over safety expectations and rules ahead of time.

Strategy #3: Schedule family time.

If your teenage sons or daughters will be traveling with some friends, that’s fine. If you’re traveling with other families, that’s great. However, make sure you schedule some personal family time with just you guys.

This can be a night out at a restaurant, visiting one of the safaris together, or just walking down the beach and enjoying each other’s company.

Following these strategies will help you and your teenagers enjoy this trip even more.

Published on 30 November 2015

Traveling with Little Ones: How to Make it Memorable (in a Good Way)Maybe you didn’t really get the proper honeymoon when you first got married. Maybe you did and it’s been several years since you two exchanged vows. In the time since you got married you could have added a child or two, or even more. In the years since, it’s been very difficult for you two to have quality time together. Maybe you got in the habit of stealing moments when your children finally went to bed at night or when family members were willing to take them for an evening.

If you’re looking for a great vacation idea for you and the entire family, consider Mombasa, Kenya. Even though you may be traveling with kids, there are plenty of great reasons why this is the ideal vacation destination that can even lead you to feel as though you’re on your second honeymoon. Here are five of those reasons.

Reason #1: A tropical destination.

Many people look to tropical destinations for their honeymoon. There are few better than Mombasa, Kenya.

Reason #2: There’s so much to do.

Between the safaris, Fort Jesus, Old Town, and the incredible white, sandy beaches, there’s plenty for everyone in the family to do something they enjoy.

Reason #3: Your kids will never run out of things to do.

Because there are so many things for everyone to do, you will be able to sit back and relax while your kids enjoy some incredible sites. Sure, you’ll be with them, but they’ll be so preoccupied at what they are seeing and enjoying you’ll be able to spend quality time with your spouse.

Reason #4: you can enjoy a tropical drink in the evening.

When your kids go to sleep, you can head down to the pool area of your Mombasa hotel and enjoy a tropical beverage with your spouse. It can make you feel like you’re on your honeymoon again.

Reason #5: It’s an affordable vacation.

When people get married, some of them have a tendency to skimp on their honeymoon because they don’t have a great deal of money saved up for it. A trip to Mombasa is affordable for just about everyone. This year, consider a Mombasa vacation at a quality hotel and you’ll feel as though you and your spouse are once again taking another honeymoon. Or your first.

Published on 20 November 2015

safety-firstWhen you travel to a foreign country like Kenya, you have probably heard advisements about the water. It’s a good idea not to drink the tap water in these countries. It has nothing to do with cleanliness or sanitation. It has to do with the bacteria that is found in the water itself.

A person who grew up and spent all of their time in Kenya would also be advised not to drink the tap water from your neighborhood. That doesn’t mean you’re tap water is dirty. It simply means there is different bacteria in the water that the other person is not used to.

As you grow up and spend more time in the same area, your body begins to develop defenses to certain bacteria. Since you don’t have any prior exposure to the bacteria found in water in foreign countries, it’s a good idea to pay attention to these four water safety tips.

1. Drink bottled water. This may be an added expense, but it’s well worth it. The last thing you want to do is spend the majority of your vacation time in Mombasa laid up in bed groaning because of your stomach pains.

2. Avoid spending too much time in the Indian Ocean. When you spend a lot of time in the ocean waters, snorkeling around, you can become dehydrated quickly. Make sure you drink plenty of water when outside in this tropical destination.

3. Alcohol is not a substitute for water. If you drink alcohol your body is becoming dehydrated. Just because you drink several more beverages doesn’t mean you’re getting the proper level of hydration you need.

4. Spending time in the pool isn’t helping you when it comes to dehydration. Just like the ocean, you may feel as though you are plenty hydrated because you are bobbing up and down in the pool, but you still need to drink water. Just make sure it is bottled water so you remain healthy for your entire trip.