Mombasa – White Sandy Beaches
There are so many different reasons why Mombasa can be such an incredible vacation for people traveling alone or even with families and friends, that it becomes difficult to narrow the list down to just five. However, we will do our best to list the five best reasons why Mombasa is such a great place to go.
Reason #1: You love spending time at gorges, weight, sandy beaches.
Mombasa is chock-full of white sandy beaches that lead into the beautiful blue waters of the Indian Ocean. There are many tropical destinations around the world that provide beauty and luxury, but few that can match Mombasa.
Reason #2: A long history.
There are so much history that surrounds Mombasa that it can be difficult to take it all in throughout just one simple week here. From Fort Jesus to Old town, from the village of Gedi to the nature preserves, you are surrounded by an incredible amount of history.
Reason #3: Wonderful people.
The locals here are so friendly and accommodating you will feel as though you’ve not just left your home country, but maybe even planet earth.
Reason #4: Amazing food.
Many of the local markets have some incredible exotic flavors. The City Market in Mombasa provides a simple glimpse into local produce and daily life of the locals. You can even check out the Floating Market on the oceanfront for some amazing fresh produce.
Reason #5: incredible artwork.
The locals take part in various art projects and they even have a section of Old Town where art that is created from developmentally disabled adults are on display and available for sale. Try to find something like that back in your home country.
We could go on and on about the incredible beauty and wonder that is Mombasa, but it’s best to check it out for yourself.
With so many things to see in Mombasa, Kenya, it can feel a bit overwhelming to narrow it down to just a few. This may be necessary if your time in Mombasa is going to be limited. Many people have a tendency to spend one week in this tropical paradise, but you could benefit by a two or even three week vacation here.
The matter how long you plan on spending in Mombasa, here are four must see attractions throughout the area.
Fort Jesus.
This is considered by many people to be the most iconic monument throughout the city. This was built in the 1590s by the Portuguese for defense. You can take a walking tour of the fort and even visit the museum. There is a long and violent history associated with this particular fort, including a three-year siege in which 2,500 men barricaded themselves inside.
Mombasa’s Old Town.
Old Town’s iconic location in the city is where you will find incredibly hand carved doors, old mosques that date back centuries and, and if you travel far enough north through Old Town, you will see where Vasco Da Gama came ashore in 1498.
The Gedi Ruins.
There is a small Swahili town just outside of Mombasa that was abandoned in the 16th century. There are certain speculations as to why, and a lack of water may be the biggest one. It was, at the time, an affluent area where the sultan’s palace was found and there were also numerous mosques and some incredible houses. You could spend an entire day touring the ruins of this mysterious little town area
Bamburi Nature Trail.
If you’re looking for a connection to the nature around you, Bamburi Nature Trail is one of the best. Today it is known as Haller Park and is found just north of Mombasa. It has a deep forest that is teaming with natural wildlife.
Your visit to Mombasa will not be complete unless you visit at least a couple of these must see attractions.
Being a nervous Flyer is okay. In fact, it’s actually far more common than you may realize. Millions of people who travel on a regular basis by airplane happen to consider themselves nervous flyers.
What is a nervous flyer?
This is a type of person who will fly, but who will be anxious about the trip. They may have some level of stress and anxiety when thinking about their flight coming up in a few days, have difficulty settling down, get fidgety and edgy when it comes time to board the plane, and grip the hand rests when the plane is lurching forward on takeoff.
The nervous flyer may also be somebody who panics whenever the airplane hits turbulence. When you are heading to Mombasa for a vacation or business trip, you’re going to be exposed to incredible beauty and a tropical paradise. Getting there in a relaxed state can make the entire trip much more comfortable. So here are a few tips that may help you relax when you’re getting ready to board your plane or once you’re on it.
Tip #1: Bring along a good book. If you’re not big into reading, now is the time to do it. Pick up a book that may be of interest to you and save it for the time when you’re waiting to board the plane. Open the book and begin reading. If the book is well-written you should become absorbed in the story quite quickly. Before you know it, your seat will be called for boarding.
Once you’re on the plane, follow the instructions of the flight attendants, but keep reading that book.
Tip #2: Spend some time at the airport watching all of the planes take off and land. When you realize just how many flights take off in an hour from one particular airport, multiply that by many thousands of airports all across the world. You begin to realize just how safe flying really is. That, alone, may help you relax.
Tip #3: Bring along information about Mombasa. When you read about the white sandy beaches, Fort Jesus, and all of the of the things you’re about to witness and experience, it can distract you from any tension and anxiety you might be feeling with regard to this flight.
These tips just might help you enjoy your next trip to Mombasa that much more.
Maybe you just returned from an incredible vacation in Mombasa, Kenya. If you have, then you know full well what that tropical paradise destination can offer. You may be feeling a bit run down and exhausted from the flight home, doing so many things in your trip, and trying to simply recall all of the incredible sites that you saw, and the last thing you want to think about is another trip anywhere.
Many people often joke about needing a vacation once they return from their vacation. However, in most situations they have to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, get up the next morning, and head off to work. Work is what helps to pay for these vacations for the majority of people.
Just the idea of trying to plan another trip back to Mombasa, Kenya may seem like a daunting task. Or maybe it’s been a long time since you were there and you’ve been longing to go back. It’s never too early or late to begin planning your next trip to this tropical paradise destination.
There are plenty of reasons to begin planning early. Not only could you have access to the best hotel accommodations and options, but you could actually get reservations for some things you always wanted to do that you didn’t get a chance to last time. Some safaris, restaurants, and other attractions can book up quickly, making it extremely difficult to get a reservation in short notice.
If you’ve decided recently that you want to take a vacation next month to this tropical paradise, it’s also not too late. There are plenty of Mombasa hotels that will still have availability, even during the peak season. Most flights will not have booked up at that time. If you’re flexible with your schedule, you could actually save money by being placed on a standby flight and then seek to get your hotel accommodations while waiting at the airport or on the plane before takeoff.
If you need help with your accommodation, whether it’s for next year or next week, contact Find Mombasa Hotels today.
When you’re planning on booking your own Mombasa Hotel for your vacation, you will be faced with a couple basic considerations. The first is price. The next is amenities. Which one is more important to you?
Some people honestly believe they can get the right type of amenities and comfort they want at the cheapest possible price. That may be true in certain countries, but when you’re traveling to a prime vacation destination, especially a tropical paradise like Mombasa, you need to choose one over the other. Yes, even at the less expensive hotels throughout the area may have access to a refrigerator, iron, coffee maker, and other such amenities, but you won’t have the same type or quality as you might find at a higher rated and more expensive hotel.
Going online to try to book your hotel makes it easy to organize those accommodations by price, ratings, and other factors. You could simply have the list of Mombasa hotels organized from cheapest to most expensive. That is ideal if all you want or care about is saving as much money as possible.
But what about pools, exercise facilities, game rooms, or other amenities? What about a spa? Do you want to a hotel that is right by the beach so you can just step outside, walk across the street and be at the beautiful clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean?
If that sounds ideal for you, then you’re not going to find those hotels by focusing on the cheapest ones.
When you begin searching for your Mombasa Hotel, make a choice: do you want to save more money or have the experience of a lifetime that is going to be relaxing, luxurious, and thrilling? Most people, when asked, will choose the latter over the former every single time.
Whenever you’re traveling to a foreign country you want to remain safe. Traveling to Mombasa, Kenya can be the vacation of a lifetime. This tropical paradise is ripe with white sandy beaches, incredibly clear waters of the Indian Ocean, and an abundance of history and animals through a variety of safaris.
While it is a tropical paradise, it’s also important to remain diligent for your own safety. Just as you might focus on safety when traveling to a city in your own home country, some simple, common sense practices can help you, your family, and anybody else are traveling with remain safe.
Never travel alone.
If you are walking down the beach by yourself, make sure somebody knows where you’re going to be and when you’re expected to return. If you’re planning on going into Old Town, make sure you go with somebody else. When traveling in the evening, never, ever travel alone.
Avoid bringing a lot of cash with you.
Using debit cards may be practical, but the best option is to use travelers checks and only carry a small amount with you at any given time. The moment somebody begins flashing around a great deal of cash, they attract the wrong kind of attention to themselves.
Always let people know where you plan to be.
When you’re back at the hotel, even if you’re planning on going down to the pool for a while, let other people in your group know. Also let them know if you change your plans and are going somewhere else. In the day and age of cell phones, there’s really no excuse to not send a quick text message or grab the hotel phone to call your room to let them know you’re going somewhere else.
These simple tips can help keep you and everyone else in your family safe on your next vacation the Mombasa or anywhere else.